Monday, August 27, 2012

Bloggy Smloggy 66

Here is an unreleased blog from the hand of Nude Dude.  A blog from the vault if you will.  It's about a bar that I went to in the Summer of 2012....

Bulldog 60
Wing Night” at Crusty Dive Bar in West Allis
Tuesday June 19, 2012

I'm on quest for the best wings in Milwaukee. So, I like to venture to different bars with wing specials. I probably won't find the best wings in Milwaukee because in reality I'm looking for the best deals for wings in Milwaukee. In searching for the best deal, one will have to make sacrifices in going to dingy bars filled with scumbags, low life's, wenches, and drunk @$$holes or just plain @$$holes. Bulldog 60 had all of these dirt bags present that night. The funny thing was.. there was no more than 5 other people in the bar.
Here is a list of these characters at this bar.

Drunk 50 year old
There was the drunken 50 year old something that pissed away his life. He claimed he didn't have more than $5 to his name. When I say drunk, he was drunk. He spouted off things like, “Are you the Brazilian soccer team?” He said this because of my curly hair and because me and my buddies were all wearing red. Ironically, the Brazilian soccer team doesn't wear red, there colors are blue and yellow. He also played horrible jukebox songs and was on the verge of getting kicked out. Actually, I think they did kick him out in a roundabout way but the bartender was too passive to do it. A sad story if you ask me.

@$$hole Regular
There was the @$$hole regular, who came there to talk to the bartender but never got too drunk, just a buzz, enough to keep his dooshiness keen. As we first walked in, I asked, “can I sit here?”. He replied, “as long as your not annoying”. He claimed he was being “feceious” (I'm guessing that's the only big word he knew). He was the guy who had a comment for everything. Most of the time his comments were generic and went unreplied. One moment in the night, he made a fuss to the bartender that his money was taken from the bar of where he was sitting. The bartender told him, “no, I didn't touch it, it's not there”. He kept fussing and getting angrier... swearing to himself saying “godamn't this goddammit that”. After awhile he found the $2 in his pocket, go figure.

Ms. Middle Aged Talk Too Much
There was the middle aged lady who wore too much make up, not good enough to get attention at a downtown bar, but good looking enough that at this bar, everyone would think she was hot. She also kept the drinks down as well. She was a motor mouth claiming she was “the smartest person she knew”. She talked about how my buddy had the nicest teeth and how she only is friend's with people with nice teeth. She talked and talked and talked. She claimed she was a “supervisor” but she then she claimed she wasn't but said if she was, she would fire her employees if they were caught drinking at a bar. She claimed the corporate title. She also name dropped a lot of downtown bars to make here seem chic and trendy. She would not disclose her high school or what college she went to. She made it very clear that this information remain secret.

Awkward Bartender
There was the awkward bartender who didn't know how to keep a conversation. Every so often, he would fill a small drinking glass of beer, then chug it when the owner walked away to the back. This guy was tall and goofy looking. He ended up overcharging us. Not much to say about this guy because he was oddly regular if that makes sense. It seemed like he was too normal to be the bartender which actually made him the perfect bartender for this bar.

Old Over Friendly Owner
Then there was the old over friendly Asian woman who was the owner . She took sh*t from no one but very cordial and nice. She had a great sense of humor but when sh*t would hit the fan she would know how to handle it. She claimed to have the best burgers in town. We asked her why. She explained that they are made fresh, never frozen. She also offered free drinks for our softball team if we came in.

So, that was my night at Bulldog 60. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the wings. This place had the hugest wings I've ever been served at a bar. They must've pumped those chicken full of steroids. By the way, she makes her own sauces ,which were delicious. I would go again and suffer all through that mess again, because in the end it was entertaining.  
