Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bloggy Smloggy 46

Intro/Real Night Terrors
I woke up in the middle of the night to a nightmare.  Yet, it wasn't a nightmare in a dream, it was reality.  This was the worst night terror I've ever had.  The Attack of Night Diarrhea!!!!!!!!  Luckily, I woke up before I shat myself.  Because, sometimes, when your in and out of sleep, your not sure when your awake.  Thus, you forgot your awake and you think your in a dream and you poop your pants thinking your in a dream but your really awake.  Anyways, I could feel my stomach toss and turn. It was painful.  What was it, I thought?  Was it the salmon I had earlier that night?  Was it the fudge, sour patch kids, or holiday cookies I stuffed in my mouth?  I mean I haven't had "nighterriea" in awhile.  It's funny because earlier in the day I was talking to a friend of mine who was speaking of his diarrhea that he had the day before.  Maybe, he infected me, I didn't know diarrhea was contagious but now I think it is.  
So, i went to drop a liquid watery mess in the toilet.  Nothing and I mean nothing was solid.  Straight butt puke.  Then, I went back to bed, but my stomach was still twisting.  I wasn't finished and returned to the restroom for more pooey brown water.  I felt like I was at Noah's Ark but instead of all that fresh clean water they pump down the slides, this Noah's Ark (meaning my butt) was full of piss sh*t water.
On that note, have a good day.

Nude Dude -A Very Naked Christmas
Here are the song names to the Christmas album, you know you want to listen to these!!!!!

-It's Beginning to look a lot like a jizfest
-Holy Tight
-Dumpster Baby
-Rudolph the White Nosed Reindeer
-All I want for Christmas is Poo
-Have Yourself a Bloody Merry Fistmas

Remember, you can download these classics at

Power Bracelets
I wonder if I put one of those power bracelets on while jerking it, will it make for a better experience? These bracelets are supposed to increase balance, stamina, and performance. So, it makes perfect sense. I want to go a step further. I wonder if they have these power bracelets for penis's. I think that would be awesome. Think about how much stamina you could have in bed? I'm going to customize power bracelets for the pee pee. Let me know if you want in.

Puppy Chow
I love Puppy Chow!!! I'm not talking about dog food, but the Puppy Chow you make from Chex Mix. It's the greatest and simplest desert out there. So, yummy!!! However, what if someone were to make Puppy Mill Chow, I feel like that wouldn't be too good. Yeah, Puppy Mill Chow wouldn't taste good.

Random Note
I found a note that I wrote to myself months ago. Here it reads, “playing scrabble my balls are stuck to my inner thigh. my grandma left”.
I'll leave it at that. Not sure what that was supposed to mean or why I had to remember that. But that is all.

My Wonderful Weekend
My First “Game Night”
December 17, 2011
      “Game Night”, that's when you know your are deep in a relationship. Gone are the late nights at the bars with your buddies. Gone are the late nights at the casino. Gone are the hangovers from taking too much shots the night before. “Game Night” is an evening where you and your friends get together play board games, have conversation, and snack on food items. Game Nights is usually synonymous with couples often pairing teams with their love interest against other couples. Then, it usually turns into the battle of the sexes with guys versus girls. Let's get into my first game night and see if it was a success.
I was apprehensive at first, meeting new couples and acting “adult” by having “adult” conversations. When I say “adult”, I mean, talking about your phone plan, what kind of car you drive, where do you work, what church do you go to, or where your registering for your baby shower. There were 3 couples there in total and 2 of the couples were pregnant. So, most of the conversation revolved around babies, baby accessories, and being pregnant. I could not relate, so I had to patiently listen to everyone talk about their placentas (not really though).
      I was the new guy, so I tried to “chum it up” with the fellas. They were discussing cars and engines, in which I just shot blanks. I drive a 98 Toyota Camry which gets me to A to B. They were discussing dual exhausts, V6 engines, and other car lingo. I felt emasculated, insecure, and self conscious because I don't know dick about cars. Oh well, I just nodded and drink my Guinness.
I felt like they out “manned” me by knowing about cars, while I out “manned” them by drinking good beer. I'm not known as a beer drinker but I've drinking many good beers. As you all know, I've been to 'Beer School' at my buddy Twat's house. He has many micro brews, so I know a little more than the average drinker. These guys stuck to their corporate beers such as Miller Lite and Coors. I felt macho by drinking Guinness and micro brews. At one point, one guy drank a Leinkugel Sunset Wheat. Whose the p*ssy now, b*tches?????
      The first game we played was Cranium. It's a game of knowledge and creativity. We played couples vs. couples for this game. It was the battle of couples to see who had good couple chemistry. My team won that game with ease. Beginners luck, I guess. It felt good winning, but at the same time, I didn't want to win because if your the new guy who wins, no one wants to invite you anymore because your the winner. Then, the next game we played was Taboo. Oh, how taboo that we played Taboo. We switched up teams and it was guys vs. girls. The guys dominated this game and we beat the women.               
       Another win for the new guy. It felt great. Before you know it was 11:30pm. We started game night at 6pm. Let's just say game night got out of hand. I look forward to more game nights in the future. Game night helped me work on my social skills, saved me from a hangover then next day, and made me more of a productive person the next day.  


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bloggy Smloggy 45

No need to read this blog. Please go to all the sites I've mentioned. We have a Nude Dude X Mas album, a Digital Cruster podcast, and a few articles. Get into multimedia. Multimedia is where it's at. This is just a quickie blog. Everyone loves a quickie. Get q'd up!

Nude Dude Christmas Songs!!!!!!!!
I made a Christmas album for all to enjoy. You can listen or download all the Christmas songs through this site Please tell all your loved ones, so you and your family can enjoy these songs over a warm cup of hot cocoa.

Digital Cruster Presents: A Very Naked X Mas
Go to this link to download the newest podcast featuring myself and the “digital cruster” henze bomb. It includes all the x mas songs, holiday bits/skits, & much much more!!!!!!!

My Brother and His Friends Blog About Stuff

Preparing Yourself for a Fish Fry
Fish Fry's are great but also very consuming. Everything that your eating is fried. Fried food for me, makes me bloated. French fries, cole slaw, rye bread, and 3 pieces of fried fish with tartar sauce will clot you up. Here are some tips for one of Wisconsin's most famous dinner meals. Good Luck!
Fish Fry Tips
  1. Wear sweatpants. Sweatpants allow for a comfortable fish fry eating.
  2. Take a couple of dumps to ensure you are hollow. I say a couple, because one dump is never enough.
  3. Don't eat breakfast or lunch. Go on a empty stomach.
  1. Workout after, get a couple reps in to shake off the weight. I like to use the stream room to sweat out the “friedness”.
I hope these help as we prepare our self for Lent.

How Many Boners Do you think a “Mall Santa” gets in a 8 hour shift?
My friend said 16. So, that's 2 boners per hour (bph). Would you pay money to let an old strange bearded man hold your baby or child knowing we live in the day of Sanduskys?

My Wonderful Weekend
Holiday Party at Hosed on Brady
December 9, 2011
Yes, the name of the bar is called Hosed on Brady. This bar is right by a fire station, so, hence the play on words. It was a formal holiday party, so I had to dress up. No, I didn't wear an ugly x mas sweater, I actually dressed up. I wore a sport coat, collard shirt, nice jeans, and dress shoes. I dressed myself, yep all by myself. I was so proud of myself. Aaron and I had a few pre drinks to get things going. I'm on a strict budget, so we both brought flasks to the bar. I bring no cash and he brings $5 in cash. Oh yes, I forgot to mention he is wearing the exact same outfit as I am.
We arrive at Hosed on Brady, I love that name, I can't get enough of it. But, anyways, we go directly to the bar, and Aaron orders two cokes for us. I'm pretty sure, that it's not everyday, that two well dressed gentleman go into a bar and order 2 cokes (one diet and one regular). Then, immediately after we get our drinks we take turns going into the bathroom to mix them.  The bartender had to know we were slipping a little "sauce" in our cokes.
It's a fun time, I'm lightly buzzed throughout the whole night. There is a nice spread of dips, sweets, and holiday snacks. I gorge myself with nacho cheese dips, salsas, and cinnamon rolls. We eventually start a brownie fight with 3 other people. We start chucking brownies at each other. I feel bad now, knowing that someone went to a great trouble to make these homemade brownies. However, they made for a good food fight though. Thank you.
Overall, it was a chill night. Remember, get Hosed on Brady!!!

Support your local smut. MTV and VH1 are not cool anymore. Happy Holidays for those who are unpolitically incorrect!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bloggy Smloggy 44

Intro/Poo Poo Go Down the Hole
Man should only poop once a day no matter what his diet is. I and along with my other friends rip 3-4 loads a day. I don't think this is healthy. I don't care how large your fiber intake is. I've come to the conclusion that I diversify my poop into a mini series. So, what I'm saying is, I have one large poop in me, and instead of ridding my body of all that waste in one go, I chop it up into a trilogy. It's not that I poop more than the next guy. I just do a little here and do a little there. It's like I'm spreading the seeds all around town. Maybe, I like pooping in different bathrooms and it's developing into a sickness. Man takes multiple dumps in multiple areas around town. Experience life and try new stalls. Just get out and live.

I only date girls with kids now. So, if your single and don't have kids. Don't think about it. You are no longer an option. I will not date you. I will not court you. You are no longer a suitable potential partner in my life. Get some kids and then talk to me.

The Comeback Kid
Ahh... 'The Comeback Kid'. Everyone loves rooting for “the Comeback kid”. However, you never want to be “the comeonback kid”. No, wants to be that kid.

Stuff I Should I Twitter
I should think about becoming a family man. A 3 year old told his parents I would make a good husband.

Updating Old Sayings
We can no longer use the term, “dropping the kids off at the pool”. Literally, we just don't do this anymore. Most kids are with their parents at the pool nowadays. Obviously, this term is in reference to taking a dump, figuratively speaking. But I'm going to update this saying to, “dropping the baby off at the dumpster”. This seems more fitting in the sick world we live in today. So next time, your about to drop a fatty say, “im going to drop the babies off at the dumpster”.

My Wonderful Weekend
Chicago Bed & Breakfast
December 3, 2011
The Night When Toxic D Struck”
    It started with a phone call, a phone call that would eventually leave me with bite marks on my body. I was offered to go to Chicago to visit a good buddy of mine (Dan). He had free tickets to see Adam Corolla. I debated for a day or 2 and finally decided to go. I don't see Dan too much, he works a lot, and is going to be a daddy soon.
    I went with my buddy Nik, he was supposed to come to my house at 1pm. It was 1:30pm and he was not here. Hmmm, he called me shortly, “He told me, his car won't start, can you drive?”. I moped for a bit and said, “yes”, then picked him up. I was not happy with the decision to drive and I made it very clear to him. We were a few miles into our trip, as we were on the freeway to Chicago that I tell him, “ I don't wanna drive, lets jump your car, and take it to the shop for a new battery”. He agrees kind of. I tell him, “look at my engine temperature gauge, it's on cold, what if my car stalls?” So, we go back to his house and jump his car with my cables. I'm nervous, he's nervous. We don't know a lot about cars but eventually get his car running. I feel like a man and it feels good. I do get scared when I take the cables off, as I feel like I'm going to get electrocuted. Then, its off to the auto parts store to buy and have them replace the battery. We don't replace the battery, luckily they do it for free. I refer to the man who installed our battery as an Asian Casey Jones (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). We are finally on our way. It's 3:00pm (just 2 hours off the time we were supposed to leave at).
    We arrived at Dan's at around 5ish and gorge ourselves with meat. He buys pork brats, cheese brats, and gyro brats (brats with gyro meat in it). I down 3 brats (one of each) and use the tzatzski sauce on every brat I eat. We play NHL 94 for Sega Genesis for drinks. Ironically, I win the first 5 games but it's ironic because I never play video games and the guy I beat plays a few hours a week. The loser has to chug there drink if they lose, so Nik ended up pounding his drinks. However, I did not lose, so I slowly drank my beer. He finally beat me in NBA JAM, so I finally drank my beer and mixed drink.
Little did we know, all the while playing video games, “Toxic D” was secretly being created. I guess he had a few drinks before we arrived. Toxic D is Dan's alter ego when he drinks. He becomes an animal, a monster, a train wreck. Toxic D gets you to do shots and drink heavily. He also becomes a non functional human being who wants to wrestle everyone who his near him. Toxic D left me with a pretty severe bite mark. He also wrestled and bit Nik
    At this point in the night, it was almost 11pm and we wanted to see the Adam Corolla show. We had to dress Toxic D as he was unable to dress himself. So, we took off his Zubaz (yes he was wearing Zubaz pants) and put his jeans on. We dressed him like he was a baby, literally.
We finally made it to Adam Corolla, yet we saw the last 30 minutes of the show. I was not impressed. Maybe, I was still in shock of Toxic D that I couldn't enjoy myself. The show was over and we returned back to his house for some late night snacks. We ate left over Mexican food and cooked a Gino's east pizza. I then went into the guest room and locked myself in it so I wouldn't be bothered. Goodnight.....
    Nik woke me up at 8am saying we have to leave. He asked me if I knew where his wedding ring was. Apparently, I put on his wedding ring before we passed out and slept with it on. I remembered trying to get it off the night before but it was stuck. So, it took me about 15 minutes and Pam cooking spray to wiggle this thing off. I was finally free of the ring and our journey home began.
    I popped an adderol because I needed to focus on the ride back since I was driving. We were fired up to the tunes of Britney Spears. We listened to all her classics “Baby One More Time”, Crazy, & few other classics. Somehow the conversation turned to “which videos did you masturbate to when you were in high school”. This was before the free streaming porn, so we did what anyone else would do, rub'em out to music videos. We discussed which music videos we did it to like, Sisquo- The Thong Song, Britney Spears- I'm a Slave 4 U, & random Christina Aguilera videos. Somehow, an embarassed me under my breath mentioned Faith Evans. To be more precise it was Faith Evans- I Love You. Nik, probably embarrassed as well, agreed that he didn't the same thing to this video that I did. I wasn't the only one. I was happy to find out that there is someone else just like me.

Here is a link to the video. Enjoy as we did. I want the world to feel what I felt when I watched this video.
