Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bloggy Smloggy 45

No need to read this blog. Please go to all the sites I've mentioned. We have a Nude Dude X Mas album, a Digital Cruster podcast, and a few articles. Get into multimedia. Multimedia is where it's at. This is just a quickie blog. Everyone loves a quickie. Get q'd up!

Nude Dude Christmas Songs!!!!!!!!
I made a Christmas album for all to enjoy. You can listen or download all the Christmas songs through this site Please tell all your loved ones, so you and your family can enjoy these songs over a warm cup of hot cocoa.

Digital Cruster Presents: A Very Naked X Mas
Go to this link to download the newest podcast featuring myself and the “digital cruster” henze bomb. It includes all the x mas songs, holiday bits/skits, & much much more!!!!!!!

My Brother and His Friends Blog About Stuff

Preparing Yourself for a Fish Fry
Fish Fry's are great but also very consuming. Everything that your eating is fried. Fried food for me, makes me bloated. French fries, cole slaw, rye bread, and 3 pieces of fried fish with tartar sauce will clot you up. Here are some tips for one of Wisconsin's most famous dinner meals. Good Luck!
Fish Fry Tips
  1. Wear sweatpants. Sweatpants allow for a comfortable fish fry eating.
  2. Take a couple of dumps to ensure you are hollow. I say a couple, because one dump is never enough.
  3. Don't eat breakfast or lunch. Go on a empty stomach.
  1. Workout after, get a couple reps in to shake off the weight. I like to use the stream room to sweat out the “friedness”.
I hope these help as we prepare our self for Lent.

How Many Boners Do you think a “Mall Santa” gets in a 8 hour shift?
My friend said 16. So, that's 2 boners per hour (bph). Would you pay money to let an old strange bearded man hold your baby or child knowing we live in the day of Sanduskys?

My Wonderful Weekend
Holiday Party at Hosed on Brady
December 9, 2011
Yes, the name of the bar is called Hosed on Brady. This bar is right by a fire station, so, hence the play on words. It was a formal holiday party, so I had to dress up. No, I didn't wear an ugly x mas sweater, I actually dressed up. I wore a sport coat, collard shirt, nice jeans, and dress shoes. I dressed myself, yep all by myself. I was so proud of myself. Aaron and I had a few pre drinks to get things going. I'm on a strict budget, so we both brought flasks to the bar. I bring no cash and he brings $5 in cash. Oh yes, I forgot to mention he is wearing the exact same outfit as I am.
We arrive at Hosed on Brady, I love that name, I can't get enough of it. But, anyways, we go directly to the bar, and Aaron orders two cokes for us. I'm pretty sure, that it's not everyday, that two well dressed gentleman go into a bar and order 2 cokes (one diet and one regular). Then, immediately after we get our drinks we take turns going into the bathroom to mix them.  The bartender had to know we were slipping a little "sauce" in our cokes.
It's a fun time, I'm lightly buzzed throughout the whole night. There is a nice spread of dips, sweets, and holiday snacks. I gorge myself with nacho cheese dips, salsas, and cinnamon rolls. We eventually start a brownie fight with 3 other people. We start chucking brownies at each other. I feel bad now, knowing that someone went to a great trouble to make these homemade brownies. However, they made for a good food fight though. Thank you.
Overall, it was a chill night. Remember, get Hosed on Brady!!!

Support your local smut. MTV and VH1 are not cool anymore. Happy Holidays for those who are unpolitically incorrect!

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