Someone Stole "Me"
I'm just like everyone else when it comes to paying for goods and
services, I use a debit/credit card. I usually keep very little cash
on me. It's very convenient to use a card instead of cash. Who the
hell wants change back? Who the hell uses pennies anymore? Pennies
are as good as garbage nowadays. Yes, credit cards are convenient but conveniency always come
with a risk. Every time you use your credit card you put yourself at
danger of becoming a victim of fraud. BEWARE!!!!! the cyber
criminals are watching you, me, and your loved ones. Just like you, I
thought it would never happen to me. Who the hell would want to
steal my identity? I'm not that valuable. Who wants to be me? Really.... go ahead and
steal my identity. Well... it turns out someone did steal my identity.
Here is what some one did as “me”
for a day. This document is from the Fraud Prevention Unit.
Here is what identity fraud looks like. |
Then they went to McDonald's I assume because they were hungry from all the shopping they were doing at YASSA AFRICAN CARRIBEAN STORE. Nothing works up an appetite like identity theft. Not only did they go to McDonald's once...not twice... but 3 times! You could've went anywhere to eat but you chose McDonald's! Seriously, you could've treated yourself to a nice steak joint, sushi, or to a fine cocktail but instead you go to McDonald's!!! I don't know if guilt sunk in more when they stole my identity or when they got diarrhea after eating a few Big Macs?
After McDonald's they went to another great establishment K Mart and
spent $62.66. Then they filled there gas tank with
only $20 worth of gas. Not sure why they didn't fill it all the way up. Maybe they felt remorse for me. Finally, they went to QUALITY HAND CAR WASH. Finally, these thieves did something good
with my money. They treated themselves to a $18.00 hand car wash.. not a $3.50 Scrub a Dub Car Wash.. but a hand car wash.
So, there it is, this is what it looks like when you get your
identity stolen. You would think someone as a criminal would get
essentials and necessities to live life. Instead they
get a hand car wash, go to K Mart, an African Wig Shop, and eat McDonald's 3 times in
a day. I'm not pissed that they stole my identity but I'm actually more angry that they went to McDonald's.