My Life
Unemployed # 9
My 2nd Interview, Brewers Game, & Casino Again (oops)
My 2nd
Interview at InterFaith Senior Programs
This is a position I just applied to on a whim but after the
interview I thought I would actually enjoy working here. I noticed I
would be the only male to work here if I got this job as the office
was packed with old white ladies. The white collard shirt I wore had
2 beer stains on it from the last 2 weddings I went to. I thought I
could hide the stains with the tie I wore. I knew I should've washed
the shirt or took it to the cleaners. I guess I could learn how to
iron a shirt? That would probably be a good skill to learn. I was
prepared to answer the stain question, “So.. How did you get those stains
on your shirt and could you go in detail about how it happened?”
Unfortunately, they did not ask that question. I accompanied my
blue tie with black pants and black shoes. I looked like a server at
Olive Garden. I was ready to serve up a side salad, hot bowl of
pasta, and desert!!! It only took me 2 tries to tie my tie though.
Tie a tie? I love that. Tie... it's a verb and a noun. That's
like saying “I pant my pants, I shirted my shirt, and socked my
Lets just say the weekend I ate like a piggy. It would've been
horrible if I had an upset stomach so
I drank ginger aid hot tea. Ginger is great for your digestive
system so I could have irritable free interview. I also relieved
myself.... you know... gave myself a 5 finger discount. I thought
this would a great way to calm me down but I was relaxed... a little too relaxed. I
had lost my “mojo”. Next time, I'm going to keep my seamen in
me. That sounds really weird but it's true, keep your seamen in you
if you want to be successful. I shaved which is good because I
didn't have a gross mustache or 5 clock shadow. But the bad thing was
that I looked like a 21 year old. Great... now they thought I was
probably a college frat boy.
I believed the interview went pretty good but you never know what the
interviewer thinks or how they perceive you. I didn't say “umm”
a lot but instead I said “welllll”. At the end of the interview,
the interviewer asked me the question, “On a scale to 1 to 10. How
nervous were you?” I told her I was 6 or 7. I think I'm
naturally a nervous person. I'm like a wigged out squirrel who
craves nuts! I need to calm down and be more like Eeyore from Winnie
the Pooh.
Celebrated My
2nd Interview
You got to celebrate having an interview. I know it's not getting a
job but getting a interview is still a great thing. I went to the
Brewer game and snuck in some good ol fashioned crum (crotch rum).
The Brewers are having a promotion in where they give each fan a $10 concession voucher for each game in August. I had 7 tickets and only 4 of us
went to the game. So, we went in the game twice at different gates and used 2 different
tickets to get $20 in vouchers for food each. We spent $80 of
vouchers on food and drinks. We got 2 nachos, 2 cheese curd boats, 4
hot dogs, 2 slices of pizza, and 2 licorice ropes. I also stole a
bag of peanuts. We ate like god@mn
glutton hobo kings! Thanks for the sh*tstorm Brewers!!!! You
actually lose by getting this free $10 voucher for food because the
food tastes like donkey piss.
Casino Again
I was feeling lucky... I had the itch to go the casino and make some
money the wrong way. This story ends in me losing $80. Instead of
applying for jobs I tried to make a quick buck. I enabled my
degenerate gambling twin brother to go with me by giving him $40. I
basically gave money to my brother so that we could hang out. I'm
trying to buy my brother's love back. Even though I lost that money I still got to spend quality time with my bro. Hmm.. maybe I'll win back my father's love by buying him booze and pot.
Trip to the West
I need to reward myself for applying for all these jobs so I'm taking
a trip to California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Wyoming. I
need to get out of Milwaukee to clear my head. I've been on the
grind. My Life Unemployed will be on a 10 day hiatus. I'll see you
in September!!!
Blog Round Up
So, in the end I may have lost $80 at the casino but I did go to the Brewer game for free and got $70 worth of free food. If you look at it that way I broke even. Let's be optimistic here.