Monday, August 19, 2013

My Life Unemployed #8

Life Unemployed #8

Jobs Jobs Jobs
I should really rename this blog from “The American Wet Dream” to the “The American Dry Dream”. Take a look around, jobs are drying out everywhere! 

 This is something a southern redneck would say,

“We are outsourcing good American Jobs to other countries. Why are they building all deez MACDONALDS overseas! That's takin away a great American Job and given it to an Eskimo. We need dem MACDONALDS in the US of A. We ain't got enuff of dem McCheesburgers in the Confederate States. I tell you what... they ought to build a McDonald's right in my kitchen.”

Actually, there are a plenty of jobs out there. There are too many jobs out there. I've probably looked at hundreds upon hundreds of jobs. I have observed that in order to get a job, you need to be really unqualified, have no skills, and no pride to get a crap job. Or be really qualified, have skills, and talent to get a job no one else is qualified for. That's my mission statement.

Jobs Applied for Since August 15th: 0
I have taking a hiatus of applying for jobs the last couple of days. I felt like I was spending too much time applying for jobs and not enough time with my family. Let's get serious here. My Step family has been really complaining that they have seen less of me since I've been unemployed. Don't let life pass you by without spending times with your loved ones. Actually, I just made all the sh*t up but that's what you see in the movies. The husband spends too much time at work and not enough time with the family. In reality, it was my grandma's 90th Birthday. She has an IPhone, plays Words With Friends, and texts messages. She is slowly becoming a teenager. Also, it is my gf's 30th birthday. Sorry, to all my women readers, I'm taken. I've been preoccupied spending money for their birthday gifts and celebrations. I'm really scared to look at my bank account now.

Interview Prep #2
I have an interview for a job at Interfaith Senior Programs today. I'm debating on whether I should wear my Looney Tunes tie? I think it would be a great Ice Breaker!  "Hey.. nice tie.. I love Bugs Bunny" or they would tell me, “Get outta my office.. YOU make a mockery of this interview”. In actuality I'm dressing as a waiter you would see at a nice restaurant. I'm wearing black pants and a white collard shirt that I haven't washed after two open bar weddings this summer. The neck is a little yellow from sweat but It doesn't smell like booze anymore. Don't worry I should be good. I've put in about 3 hours of interview prep for a job I don't really want. It's all about interview experience. Sky is the limit, If I can be comfortable in awkward situations.  

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