Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Life Unemployed # 6

My Life Unemployed # 6

Today I had a interview, didn't apply for jobs, and realized interviews are a load of dog poop.

Interview Update at the YMCA
  I knew the guy hiring me, so it was a little awkward answering questions as if he didn't know me. He started off with the cliché interview question, “So tell me about yourself”. I thought in my head... really... I know you. I had to get in the mind frame of not knowing him. I put on my serious face and went through with it. I answered all the questions as if I didn't know him. At one point he asked the question, “what would your super hero power be and why?”.  I answered, “invincibility” because I believe it's the best super hero power ever. How do you lose a fight to a super villain if your invincible? I failed this question ultimately, because I answered it in a literal sense, as if I was a real super hero fighting real villains. Godd@mnt, I must've sounded like an idiot.
  Since, I really don't know how to iron clothes, my khakis and polo were a little wrinkled but it wasn't like I was interviewing to be the CEO. I applied to be a Wellness Center Attendant. I feel like an “Attendant” demeans the job even more. Anytime someone is an "attendant", you know they don't have a lot of responsibilities, they are just “attending” to things. My goals should be higher, but this is the only interview offer I've had. Beggars can't be choosers or else beggars will become beggars (literally).

Jobs Applied for
Today, I didn't apply for sh*t.  I didn't even look at any employment websites. I was too busy preparing for my 12:00pm interview. I didn't have to time to look for jobs because I had more important things to do like write this blog and go disc golfing. Way to prioritize my life me! I also had my last class of Judo in which I've learned how to fall the “correct way”.  This class was 8 weeks long and we spent half of the class falling down.  I thought this would help me with discipline but in reality it has helped me do nothing but fall on my @ss and get right back up.  So, in theory, I guess I did learn something, "if you fall down get right back up".  

Life Observations
Interviewing is all Bullsh*t!   Meaning if you can out bullsh*t your interviewer then you got yourself a job. I'm too honest to be a bullsh*tter thats why I suck at them. Prepping for a interview is like preparing for an acting gig. You have to remember all your lines, show enthusiasm, and give your best presentation on why they should pick you. Being a good interviewer is being a great actor such as Rob Schneider, Dax Shephard, or Vin Diesel (those are all time greats). To obtain a high demand job, you need to lie on your resume, lie during your interview, and then lie some more. Lie Lie Lie!!!!!! I guess it's good to teach your kids to lie, they'll grow up and lie there way to successful jobs. Not me, I'm going the honest unemployed route.

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